Friday, July 19, 2013

We were pleasantly surprised with over 2 inches of slow rainfall this past week. This was a huge benefit to the course and came slow enough that minimal cleanup was needed. As the continue through the Summer months, please take the time to repair your ball mark and one other. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you on the golf course.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Each Fall the tees on the Par 3s are overseeded with ryegrass to provide turf throughout the winter months. In the Spring, when temperatures warm up ideally the ryegrass will "fade away" and the Bermuda will replace it. Because this Spring was so long and cooler than most the ryegrass thrived longer than usual. When typical Summer temps hit all at once the ryegrass checked out quickly leaving thin turf on holes 11 and 13. To promote fast recovery, we have aerified all Par 3 tees and fertilized the tees on all 18 holes. This combined with the recent 2" of rain have generated a lot of growth and tees should all be good in another week.