Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Carth Path Repair Initiative

This Winter we have been busy repairing broken sections of cart paths. This past week repairs were made on holes 10, 11 and 18. This now brings us to a total of 148 linear feet (1,036 square feet) that has been replaced. Our goal is to complete 300 linear feet which as you know is the length of a football field!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Why Frost Delays?

During the Winter months, we will inevitably experience the occasional frost delay. Frost occurs when the soil surface is 32F or below, causing dew to freeze on the turf. The actual frost itself does not cause damage. However, when weight is applied to frosted turf in the form of foot or vehicular traffic, damage will result. This is especially important with our greens as walking on a frost covered green can produce foot-shaped patterns of brown, dead turf. These areas can take weeks and even months to recover. As you know, frost occurs in the morning hours and will melt as the sun and temperatures begin to rise. Please be assured that during frost delays, the Golf Course Maintenance staff will work closely with the Golf Pro Shop to monitor temperatures as well as course conditions and to ensure that all delays are minimal.

Cart Path Repairs

One of our goals this winter was to repair several sections of broken cart paths each month. During the month of December, the Golf Course Maintenance staff completed four sections on the 15th hole. Over the next couple of weeks we plan to begin repairs on holes 10 and 11. We will keep you updated as we go.